This is a wide-ranging topic.
At LVC we a quick to diagnose corneal ulceration. The most common and acutely dangerous condition of the eye. With appropriate treatment, we get these healed and, usually, back to 100% visual acuity afterwards.
Treatment includes appropriate drugs, including pain relief.
Immediate surgical interventions such as corneal debridement and grid keratotomy are used when necessary. These are done with local anaesthetic only in the conscious animal.
Further surgeries such as tarrsorhaphy and 3rd eyelid flaps are used for some denuded ulcers.
Corneal surgery such as conjunctival grafts and corneal repairs are also undertaken in the more severe ulcer diseases.
This can be caused by bad ulcer infections but through other, systemic, causes.
Rapid assessment of the eye for uveitis will decrease the chance of blindness and alleviate the pain associated with it immediately.
Uveitis can be managed my correct medications, for most cases.
This is where the eye develops too much pressure. This puts pressure on the optic nerve and this will continue to permanent blindness rather rapidly.
At LVC we can diagnose this quickly and start appropriate treatment as well. Most cases of glaucoma can be managed with medications.
The ones that cannot will be referred to out visiting ophthalmologist.
Cataracts is where there is an influx of water into the delicate lens of the eye.
Most animals can manage very well with cataracts, even as it advances.
Those that go blind from it will benefit from cataract surgery. Our visiting ophthalmologist does cataract surgery to return vision to animals with severe cataracts.
Some cataracts can be secondary to other diseases such as: neoplasia, keratitis, uveitis, hypothyroidism and diabetes.
Early assessment can offset the development of the condition.
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