This last month we have been inundated with fat pussies.
Now, no one likes a monster mouser more than I do, so this is not a vindictive diatribe, rather a word-to-the-wise. Heavily weighted fluffies are very cute and, for the most part, quite adorable to have around.
There is, however, a sinister underbelly to these felines (if you can find it). That’s right, you guessed … feline hepatic lipidosis.
If your over-chubbed pussy suddenly decides to go all 'Kate Moss' with his dietary habits, then he stands a very real chance of suffering from and, if not treated, dying from hepatic lipidosis.
Without getting bogged down in hepatic physiology, when an animal starves itself, metabolic pathways within the liver alter and follow a catabolic pathway. Catabolic has nothing to do with pussies but refers to a breakdown of body reserves and is the opposite of anabolic (like Anabolic Arnie, the ex-governor of California. Also remembered for Red Sonia etc.)
When I went on my starvation diet to try and shift my quarantine flab, my body went heavily into a ketoacidosis state, as part of the catabolism that was going on in my body. There is a lot of talk about the benefits of this in human 'nutrition' at the moment. Perhaps too many lethal toxins in the bloodstream is not a good idea, either?
When too much fat is metabolised by these catabolic processes, then loads of fatty acids are released into the bloodstream. This has two effects; the acids create acidosis. If you have read on Facebook that 'cancer cannot survive in an acidic environment'… this is correct. But then again, nothing can survive in an acidic environment. As well as this, the liver becomes chock-a-block with fat. All the fat accumulates inside the hepatocytes and there is not enough room in the cell for it to do its normal functions.
Liver cells have these functions: make clotting factors, regulate glucose levels, detoxify crap you've eaten, make enzymes for digestion, make albumin, urea, vitamins etc. So, if it cannot do these functions because your tubby-tom has gone all anorexic on his arse, then it will die.
Many pussy lovers are not aware of the hidden dangers of obese cats - especially when they stop eating. Now, anything can stop a cat from eating like a broken tooth or cystitis. If the cat is fat - it can develop hepatic lipidosis - AND DIE.
So, please contact us about getting a few kgs off your blobby bobcat. It might just save his life. Enjoy your September weather, stay safe with all the C-19 and contact us if you need any info or help in trimming down your obese ocelot.
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